Montana Libertarian Party

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For Immediate Release: MTLP Calls For a Fair Debate

MTLP Calls for a Fair Debate

Contact: Michael Fucci

April 25, 2017

WOLF CREEK, MONTANA:  On April 29, 2017, Libertarian Candidate for US House, Mark Wicks, is set to be excluded from Montana’s only debate for the upcoming special election by a small group of MTN news directors. In a letter to Wicks, KTVQ News Director, Jon Stepanek, cited time constraints as their reason for not inviting Wicks to the debate in Billings. The Montana Libertarian Party has responded by organizing a phone, email, and social media campaign to reverse this arbitrary and biased decision.

While three names will appear on the ballots for the special election on May 25th, voters may only be allowed to hear from two of them on Saturday night. Ron Vandevender, Chair of the Montana Libertarian Party said: “With such a short timeframe for this special election, it’s more important than ever for the media to help voters learn everything they can about all three candidates. If Wicks doesn’t appear in the debate, I have to question what the media’s role is. Is it to inform the public, or is it to pick winners and losers?” 

The MTLP is asking that all concerned voters contact KTVQ to express their disapproval and ask that all voices are allowed to be heard. To find out how to help and more, visit