Contact Us



If you have questions or just want to join the conversation, reach out to us on Social Media or fill out the Contact form. We’re also available by Mail.

For press inquiries, please contact us here.

Get Connected on Social Media:

Make sure to follow us on social media for the latest updates, or to help us spread the message of liberty. Your contributions, likes, shares, and retweets all help to keep the conversation going.

Send Us a Message:

We read every email that comes our way and try to respond within a couple days. If you don't hear from us by then, something has gone awry, so please get back in touch. 

Reach Us by Snail Mail:

Our grassroots work takes us all over our beautiful state, so while we don’t have a central office, we do have a mail box that we use for traditional means of communication. It may take us a bit longer to get back to you, but we will.

Montana Libertarian Party
4313 Linney Road
Bozeman, MT 59718

There are many other ways you can get involved and help support the Montana Libertarian Party, so be sure to visit our other pages to learn more about upcoming Events, Volunteering, Becoming a MemberRunning for Office, or Donating.